Payment services
Settlement report Adyen mapping
Below is the mapping of Adyen’s settlement report to Gr4vy’s. This data is pulled from the Adyen settlement_detail_report
Gr4vy settlement report | Gr4vy field? | Adyen report |
reconciliation_id | No | Merchant Reference or Merchant Order Reference |
transaction_id | Yes | - |
payment_service_transaction_id | No | Payment service Reference |
payment_service_id | Yes | |
payment_service_definition_id | Yes | - |
payment_service_display_name | Yes | - |
journal_type | No | Type |
raw_journal_type | No | Type |
created_at | No | Creation Date |
posted_at | No | Booking Date |
processing_amount | No | Gross Credit |
processing_currency | No | Gross Currency |
exchange_rate | No | Exchange Rate |
currency | No | Net Currency |
gross_credit | No | Calculated field using the formula Gross Credit * Exchange Rate |
net_credit | No | Net Credit |
gross_debit | No | Gross Debit |
net_debit | No | Net Debit |
markup | No | Markup (NC) |
interchange | No | Interchange (NC) |
scheme_fee | No | Schemes Fees (NC) |
commission | No | Commission (NC) |
method | No | Payment Method |
scheme | No | Payment Method Variant |
batch | No | Batch Number |
raw_report_id | Yes | Raw file name from Adyen |
report_id | Yes | - |
ingested_at | Yes | - |
notes | No | - |
Fields marked as Gr4vy field are populated from our internal data and not from the ingested payment service report.
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