Action: Select Payment Options

This action allows you to filter and/or order the available payment options displayed at the start of the checkout journey. Each rule in this action will define a set of payment options to show when the rule is matched. If no rule is matched, then the whole set of configured and active payment options will be shown. You can add the following conditions:

  • Amount: This enables filtering based on the amount for the transaction. Each rule defines a single currency for which it applies. You can specify a minimum amount, maximum amount, or a range for the amount.

  • Browser language: This enables filtering based on a buyer’s browser language.

  • Country: This enables filtering based on the customer’s country as an inclusive or exclusive list of countries.

  • Currency: This enables filtering based on the transaction currency as an inclusive or exclusive list of currencies.

  • Metadata: This enables filtering based on key/value strings from an object passed to the API. This currently only supports matching/not matching string values. For example you could pass {"foo": "bar"} and create a condition based on the value of the foo key.

  • Product categories: This enables filtering based on the product categories of cart items.

  • Product types: This enables filtering based on the product types of cart items.

  • SKUs: This enables filtering based on the SKUs of cart items.

  • Zero amount (any currency): This enables filtering based on a zero amount transaction of any currency.

Rule Validation

  • You may only have one amount or currency condition per rule
  • You may only have one browser language condition per rule
  • You may only have one country condition per rule
  • You may only have one product categories condition per rule
  • You may only have one product types condition per rule
  • You may only have one SKUs condition per rule