When Gr4vy creates a transaction with a payment service, we will pass the reconciliation_id to the payment service if possible.

This ID is used to link the transaction from the payment service’s report back to our system. In our reports, we will report this ID, our transaction_id as well as the ID of the transaction in the payment service’s system (the payment_service_transaction_id).

The reconciliation_id is actually just a Base62-encided version of the transaction_id. We use this ID because not all payment services can handle the full length of our UUID transaction IDs.

Reconciling to your system

We recommend you store the reconciliation_id or the transaction_id in your systems against your order, so that you can reconcile our reports against your system.

This reconciliation_id will allow you to match the settlement of funds against the order and close of any open position in your system.

In the near future we will add support for marking the transaction as settled in Gr4vy’s system, and we will offer additional data from your request, like your external_identifier reference in our reports. This will allow you to be able to see in our dashboard which transactions are settled, and reconcile our reports based on your own identifier.

Identifying the original report

It is possible to identify each line to the original report it was imported from using the raw_report_id.

This ID identifies the report ingested from the payment service in which this settlement line was reported. In the settlement tab of the connector’s configuration page you’ll be able to see the list of ingested reports for that payment service. We will keep the last 30 days of ingested reports available for download. After that, only the list report names will be visible.

You will still be able to find those reports in the dashboard of the payment service the report was ingested from.