Reporting enables the creation of custom or templated reports through Gr4vy Dashboard and API.

The objective of this guide is to give more details about report creation and to explain which report models are available, as well as to detail how they should be defined to be created through the API.




A report is a resource that defines how a report should be created defining several things like schedule, filters, fields and sorting.

Reports executions

Where the report is the overarching concept of the report being created, report executions are the output of the system after the API has received the request to create the report. Each report will have at least one execution. For example, if a one-off report is created via the dashboard this will result in a new report with a single execution. However if a report is scheduled, this requested report will be reused as a concept for the sequence of reports and the same report will have many executions over time.

Report specification

A report specification or spec is the detailed definition of a report to be created. What can or should be set in a report spec depends on the report model.

Custom reports

A custom report is a report that is manually generated specifying all the details to create it.

The required parameters for the report creation depend on the report’s model.

Templated reports

A templated report is just a custom report with predefined parameters.

These reports can only be created through the Dashboard.

One-off reports

One-off reports are reports that have a single execution. This means, that the report is generated only once.

Scheduled reports

Scheduled reports are reports that are scheduled and will be automatically generated on a specific date depending on the report’s schedule frequency.

The following frequencies are currently supported:

  • daily: generates a report every day.
  • weekly: generates a report every Monday.
  • monthly: generates a report on the first day of every month.