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High level transaction insights with a daily, weekly, or monthly view.
Gr4vy provides off-the-shelf insights for transaction over the last 24 hours, 7 days, or 30 days.
The top controller allow you to control the variables for which data is shown on the dashboard. All visible data will be filtered on the basis of this selection.
- The first select lets you switch between volume (accumulated transaction value) and transactions (transaction count).
- The currency selector allows you to filter for any used currency over 60+ days.
- The time selector allows you to change the time range for which the data on the dashboard is shown. It’s possible to show the data for today, last 7 days, and last 30 days.
The data will be shown with a comparison to the same time span prior to the selected time frame. For the daily time filter that means that the last 24 hour’s data will be shown, in comparison to the 24 hours before that. For the last 7 days that means that the data will be shown for the last 7 days as compared to the 7 days before that, and for 30 days as compared to the 30 days before that.
Rolling window
The time selector applies on the basis of a rolling time window. For the daily and weekly window the data is shown hourly. A rolling window means that the data shown will cover the last 24 completed hours (daily), or last completed 168 hours (last 7 days).
When you filter on the last 30 days the data will be displayed per day, still using the rolling window.
Line chart
The data in the line chart is shown hourly for every completed hour, as measured in the UTC timezone. This chart will update hourly.
The chart shows the data as with the filters from the *controller applies. This means it will either show the volume or the transaction count. And it will only show transactions for the period and currency selected.
It’s possible to switch the line chart to show the auth rate, as well as any refunds for the selected time frame. A delta is
shown as an overall comparison between the selected time frame and the previous time frame. The auth rate provided in this module is the Gr4vy level auth rate. Transactions in Gr4vy can have multiple attempts via the same or via multiple payment services, depending on whether this has been set up in flow. This means that the auth rate given in this module doesn’t reflect the connector level auth rate but rather the success of transactions via Gr4vy as a whole. The auth rate is calculated as number of authorized count / number of processed
, where processed
doesn’t include failures nor in-progress transactions.
Deltas: In other words, given a time frame selected of 7 days with a 5% increase in the auth rate means that the auth rate is 5% better for the last 7 days than the 7 days before that.
This module shows a list of configured connectors that have processed transactions for the timeframe as set in the top controller (24 hours, 7 days, or 30 days). Differently than the count on the top module here we count the number or volume of attempts via the connector, as a transaction could have multiple attempts. Also the auth rate is calculated by using the same calculation authorized count / number of processed
however this is only taking into consideration the attempts via the connector minus the failed attempts.
The reason we don’t count failed attempts is because failures are technical issues that don’t reflect actual transaction behavior. The auth rate therefore is only counted when an actual attempt was made to authorize at the issuer. It is also important to note that transactions that are no longer authorized, for example because they’re voided, are still counted as authorized.
This is different than the auth rate in the top module which takes the Gr4vy transaction level auth rate. As mentioned, a transaction can have multiple attempts on a connector level it could therefore mean that the count of declines is higher in this module, than the count of declines for overall transactions.
The recovered column refers to transactions that were succeeded but not via the first attempt. It could mean that a connector will show authorized transactions as well as recovered transactions. This depends on how the connector is set up in your Flow configuration. If you use the same connector to perform authorizations, as well as retries, this module will show both authorized and recovered transactions or volume.
The connections module only shows connections that had activity during the configured timeframe. Configured but idle connections are left out of the view.
This is a list of the latest transactions in our system for the respective selected merchant account. In the near future this module will be swapped out for a funnel, showing how transactions and volumes flow through our system.