Action: Decline

This action allows you to decline transactions before they are routed to one of your connections.

Action: Route to connection

This action allows you to route transactions to a subset of your connections. A transaction will be processed sequentially with the defined outcome connections until it is successful. If a rule is matched and there are no active connections or all connections fail to process the request the transaction will be declined.


You can add the following conditions:

  • Amount: This enables filtering based on the amount for the transaction. Each rule defines a single currency for which it applies. You can specify a minimum amount, maximum amount, or a range for the amount.

  • Anti fraud decision: The enables filtering based on the decision made by the anti-fraud service.

  • Browser language: This enables filtering based on a buyer’s browser language.

  • Country: This enables filtering based on the customer’s country as an inclusive or exclusive list of countries.

  • Currency: This enables filtering based on the transaction currency as an inclusive or exclusive list of currencies.

  • Gift card BIN range: This enables filtering on up to the first nine digits of a gift card, for example: 4242-4545 or 123456789-123456789.

  • Has gift cards: This enables filtering based on whether gift cards were used in the transaction.

  • Metadata: This enables filtering based on key/value strings from an object passed to the API. This currently only supports matching/not matching string values. For example you could pass {"foo": "bar"} and create a condition based on the value of the foo key.

  • Payment method: This enables filtering based on the payment method used for the transaction.

  • Product categories: This enables filtering based on the product categories of cart items.

  • Product types: This enables filtering based on the product types of cart items.

  • SKUs: This enables filtering based on the SKUs of cart items.

Rule Validation

  • The payment method condition is required
  • You may only have one amount or currency condition per rule
  • You may only have one browser language condition per rule
  • You may only have one country condition per rule
  • You may only have one currency condition per rule
  • You may only have one gift card BIN range condition per rule
  • You may only have one has gift cards condition per rule
  • You may only have one payment method condition per rule
  • You may only have one product categories condition per rule
  • You may only have one product types condition per rule
  • You may only have one SKUs condition per rule