Razorpay is an India based Payment Service Provider that offers Credit Card and Alternative Payment Methods.


Razorpay onboarding can be found here. Once on-boarded Razorpay will issue the merchant credentials.


The following credentials are needed for Razorpay:

  • merchant id
  • key id
  • key secret

S2S Direct

To use Gr4vy’s Razorpay Card Payment Service please contact Razorpay support to enable the S2S JSON API functionality. Information on this API can be found here


Razorpay has it’s own internal 3DS provider that will handle 3DS for all transactions.

Required Fields

Razorpay requires Gr4vy’s browser_info field and the following buyer fields: buyer.email_address, buyer.first_name, buyer.last_name, buyer.phone_number. Razorpay also requires an IP Address to be passed in to Gr4vy for the customer, see here for more information on sending IP Addresses.