
Speak to your Powertranz account manager to obtain your credentials.


When setting up Powertranz in the dashboard you will need to configure the following credentials.

  • Powertranz ID: Your merchant account identifier for Powertranz, for example 99901066.
  • Powertranz Password: Your merchant accounts unique password.
  • Powertranz Gateway Key: An additional token that may need to passed along. Please do not set this unless provided to you by Powertranz.

Please see the Powertranz documentation for more information on the credentials.

3-D secure

By default, the Powertranz connector will attempt 3DS authentication for every card. To disable this feature and skip 3DS, please pass in the skipThreeDSecure connection option when creating a transaction.

  "amount": 1299,
  "currency": "TTD",
  "country": "TT",
  "intent": "capture",
  "connection_options": {
    "powertranz-card": {
        "skipThreeDSecure": "true"

To test Powertranz 3DS, please refer to their documentation which lists various test cards.

Please note that when 3DS is enabled, Powertranz may perform a redirect to authenticate the card, even when the card is not enrolled in 3DS. This redirect will complete frictionless without the buyer’s explicit approval.

Recurring payments

There are a few nuances when handling recurring payments with this connector because Powertranz does not support open loop payments.

Powertranz support recurring payments with the payment_source set to either card_on_file and recurring payments. For a card on file transaction, recurring customer-present (CIT) payments are supported, but for merchant initiated (MIT) payments some additional data is required when creating a transaction. This applies to both card_on_file and recurring MIT transactions.

When processing a MIT recurring payment, please pass along the scheme_transaction_id of the previous transaction to the new transaction as the previous_scheme_transaction_id.

    "amount": 299,
    "currency": "TTD",
    "country": "TT",
    "intent": "capture",
    "previous_scheme_transaction_id": "0bb019e5-dfde-4ed7-a447-80482bef761d",
    "connection_options": {
        "powertranz-card": {
            "skipThreeDSecure": "true"
    "payment_source": "recurring",
    "is_subsequent_payment": true,
    "merchant_initiated": false,

The previous_scheme_transaction_id only needs to be sent if merchant_initiated is set to true. Please always send the scheme_transaction_id returned in our response for the previous transaction in the series.