
PayPal provides a self-service sign-up for a sandbox account. To sign-up for an account visit the sign-up page and fill in the details, ensuring to choose Business Account when prompted.


When setting up PayPal in the Dashboard, you will need to configure the following credentials, which are obtained from PayPal:

Client ID

The PayPal Client ID can be found in the PayPal Developer Portal under the Apps & Credentials -> REST API Apps -> Your App section.

Client Secret

The PayPal Client Secret can also be found in the PayPal Developer Portal under the Apps & Credentials -> REST API Apps -> Your App section.

Webhook ID

The PayPal Webhook ID can be set once you’ve configured the application and added a webhook. In the PayPal Merchant Dashboard create a webhook to Gr4vy with the URL provided after the connector is set up. Once set up, you will be given a webhook ID by PayPal.

Webhooks will work with Gr4vy, but we won’t be able to validate the webhook signature.

BN Code

The BN Code is an optional field that identifies the integration partner to PayPal. By default this will be set to Gr4vy’s BN code but if you are already an integration partner then you can set this to our own value.

Merchant ID

The PayPal Merchant ID can be found in the PayPal Merchant Dashboard under Account settings -> Business Information.

PayPal Account Configuration

Payment Receiving Preferences

By default, PayPal will only settle payments automatically if the payment is in the primary currency of the PayPal merchant account. If you need to accept payments in additional currencies, you will need to open a PayPal account balance in each of the currencies you intend to accept. Alternatively, you can configure your PayPal merchant account to automatically convert payments into the primary currency.

If you receive a payment in a currency that your PayPal merchant account is not configured to accept, the payment will enter a pending state and you will need to log-in to the PayPal merchant dashboard to trigger settlement, either by opening the required currency balance, or converting the payment into the primary currency of your PayPal account.

Please note that payments left in a pending state will eventually be reversed by PayPal.

Billing Agreements

To allow customers to tokenize their PayPal account for future payments, you will need to contact PayPal and request that your account be enabled for PayPal Billing Agreements.

Once Billing Agreements have been enabled on your PayPal merchant account, you can toggle the tokenization feature on within the PayPal connector settings in the Gr4vy Dashboard.


FraudNet is a PayPal-developed, JavaScript library that collects browser-based data to help reduce fraud. Upon checkout, the FraudNet library sends data elements to PayPal Risk Services for fraud and risk assessment.

When creating transactions using PayPal Billing Agreements, the PayPal FraudNet library must be included on the checkout page for all transactions. When using Gr4vy Embed, the PayPal FraudNet library is included automatically. If you are using the Gr4vy API directly, you will need to use the Gr4vy device fingerprinting library which includes the PayPal FraudNet library.