
Braintree provides a self-service sign-up for a sandbox account. To sign-up for an account visit the sign-up page and fill in the details.

Venmo is only available to US Braintree accounts.


When setting up Braintree in the Dashboard, you will need to configure the following credentials, which are obtained from Braintree:

Merchant ID

The Braintree Merchant ID can be found in the Braintree Admin Portal under the Settings -> Business -> Merchant Accounts tab.


Merchant Account ID

The Braintree Merchant Account ID can be found underneath the Merchant ID in the Braintree Admin Portal under the Settings -> Business -> Merchant Accounts tab.

Public key

The Braintree Public Key can be found in the Braintree Admin Portal under the Settings -> API -> Keys tab.

Braintree Keys

Private key

The Braintree Private Key can be found in the Braintree Admin Portal under the Settings -> API -> Keys tab.

Tokenization Key

A Braintree Tokenization Key can be found/generated in the Braintree Admin Portal under the Settings -> API -> Keys tab.