The date and time when this card was last replaced.
When the Account Updater determines that new card details are available, existing details are not
changed immediately. There are three scenarios in which the actual replacement occurs:
When this card has expired.
When only the expiration date changed.
When a transaction using this card is declined with any of the following codes:
When the replacement is applied, this field is updated.
For non-card payment methods, the value of this field is always set to null.
Whether this card has a pending replacement that hasn't been applied yet.
When the Account Updater determines that new card details are available, existing details are not
changed immediately, but this field is set to true. There are three scenarios in which the actual
replacement occurs:
When this card has expired.
When only the expiration date changed.
When a transaction using this card is declined with any of the following codes:
When the replacement is applied, this field is set to false.
For non-card payment methods, the value of this field is always set to false.