- Transactions
- Buyers
- Checkout Sessions
- Payment links
- Payment options
- Payouts
- Refunds
- Sessions
- Settlement records
- Card schemes
- Digital wallets
- Gift cards
- Payment methods
- Payment method definitions
- Account updater
- Network tokens
- Payment service tokens
- Vault Forward
- Vault Forward endpoints
- Vault Forward authentication
- All services
- Payment services
- Digital wallets
- Anti-fraud services
- Gift-card services
- Flow
- Merchant accounts
- Reports
- Report executions
Create payment link
Creates a new payment link.
curl --request POST \
--url https://api.{gr4vy_id} \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"amount": 1299,
"currency": "USD",
"country": "US",
"buyer": {
"external_identifier": "user-789123",
"display_name": "John L.",
"billing_details": {
"first_name": "John",
"last_name": "Lunn",
"email_address": "",
"phone_number": "+1234567890",
"address": {
"city": "London",
"country": "GB",
"postal_code": "789123",
"state": "Greater London",
"state_code": "GB-LND",
"house_number_or_name": "10",
"line1": "10 Oxford Street",
"line2": "New Oxford Court",
"organization": "Gr4vy"
"tax_id": {
"value": "12345678931",
"kind": "gb.vat"
"shipping_details": {
"type": "shipping-details",
"id": "8724fd24-5489-4a5d-90fd-0604df7d3b83",
"buyer_id": "8724fd24-5489-4a5d-90fd-0604df7d3b83",
"first_name": "John",
"last_name": "Lunn",
"email_address": "",
"phone_number": "+1234567890",
"address": {
"city": "London",
"country": "GB",
"postal_code": "789123",
"state": "Greater London",
"state_code": "GB-LND",
"house_number_or_name": "10",
"line1": "10 Oxford Street",
"line2": "New Oxford Court",
"organization": "Gr4vy"
"account_number": "1234567"
"expires_at": "2022-01-01T12:00:00+00:00",
"connection_options": {
"cybersource-card": {
"meta_key_merchant_id": "<string>",
"merchant_defined_information": {
"1": "John Doe",
"2": "trusted",
"99": "recurring"
"ship_to_method": "<string>"
"cybersource-kcp": {
"meta_key_merchant_id": "<string>",
"merchant_defined_information": {
"1": "John Doe",
"2": "trusted",
"99": "recurring"
"ship_to_method": "<string>"
"cybersource-ideal": {
"meta_key_merchant_id": "<string>",
"merchant_defined_information": {
"1": "John Doe",
"2": "trusted",
"99": "recurring"
"ship_to_method": "<string>"
"cybersource-anti-fraud": {
"meta_key_merchant_id": "<string>",
"merchant_defined_data": {
"1": "John Doe",
"2": "trusted",
"99": "recurring"
"shipping_method": "<string>"
"givingblock-givingblock": {
"defaultCryptocurrency": "ETH"
"forter-anti-fraud": {
"delivery_type": "PHYSICAL",
"delivery_method": "<string>",
"is_guest_buyer": false,
"cart_items": [
"basic_item_data": {
"type": "TANGIBLE"
"delivery_details": {
"delivery_type": "PHYSICAL",
"delivery_method": "USPS - Ground Mail"
"beneficiaries": [
"personal_details": {
"first_name": "John",
"last_name": "Smith",
"email": ""
"address": {
"country": "US",
"address1": "235 Montgomery st.",
"address2": "Ste. 1110",
"zip": "94104",
"region": "CA",
"company": "Generic Corp. ltd.",
"city": "San Francisco"
"phone": [
"phone": "15557654321"
"comments": {
"user_comments_to_merchant": "Please wrap with care!!",
"message_to_beneficiary": "Enjoy the gift John!",
"merchant_comments": "Shipping delayed"
"total_discount": {
"coupon_code_used": "FATHERSDAY2015",
"discount_type": "COUPON",
"coupon_discount_amount": {
"amount_usd": "99.95",
"amount_local_currency": "105.55",
"currency": "CAD"
"coupon_discount_percent": "20%"
"adyen-card": {
"additionalData": {
"riskdata.operatorCode": "operatorCode,",
"riskdata.operatorCountry": "operatorCountry"
"autoRescue": false,
"maxDaysToRescue": null,
"autoRescueScenario": null
"adyen-sepa": {
"autoRescue": false,
"maxDaysToRescue": null,
"autoRescueSepaScenario": null,
"ownerName": null
"paypal-paypal": {
"additional_data": [
"key": "test",
"value": "abc"
"paypal-paypalpaylater": {
"additional_data": [
"key": "test",
"value": "abc"
"powertranz-card": {
"skipThreeDSecure": false
"stripe-card": {
"error_on_requires_action": false,
"stripe_connect": {
"stripe_account": "<string>",
"application_fee_amount": 123,
"on_behalf_of": "<string>"
"fiserv-card": {
"installmentOptions": {
"numberOfInstallments": 123,
"installmentsInterest": true,
"installmentDelayMonths": 123,
"merchantAdviceCodeSupported": true
"external_identifier": "payment-link-123",
"statement_descriptor": {
"name": "GR4VY",
"description": "Card payment",
"city": "London",
"country": "US",
"phone_number": "+1234567890",
"url": ""
"locale": "en",
"merchant_name": "Gr4vy",
"merchant_url": "",
"merchant_banner_url": "",
"merchant_color": "#FF0000",
"merchant_message": "Thank you for shopping with us!",
"merchant_terms_and_conditions_url": "",
"merchant_favicon_url": "",
"intent": "authorize",
"return_url": "",
"cart_items": [
"name": "GoPro HERO9 Camcorder",
"quantity": 1,
"unit_amount": 37999,
"discount_amount": 0,
"tax_amount": 0,
"external_identifier": "item-789123",
"sku": "sku-789123",
"product_url": "",
"image_url": "",
"categories": [
"product_type": "physical"
"metadata": {
"key": "value"
"payment_source": "recurring"
"id": "8d3fe99b-1422-42e6-bbb3-932d95ae5f79",
"type": "payment_link",
"amount": 1299,
"currency": "USD",
"created_at": "2022-01-01T12:00:00+00:00",
"updated_at": "2022-01-01T12:00:00+00:00",
"expires_at": "2022-01-01T12:00:00+00:00",
"status": "active",
"external_identifier": "payment-link-123",
"statement_descriptor": {
"name": "GR4VY",
"description": "Card payment",
"city": "London",
"country": "US",
"phone_number": "+1234567890",
"url": ""
"locale": "en",
"merchant_name": "Gr4vy",
"merchant_url": "",
"merchant_banner_url": "",
"merchant_color": "#FF0000",
"merchant_message": "Thank you for shopping with us!",
"merchant_terms_and_conditions_url": "",
"merchant_favicon_url": "",
"country": "US",
"intent": "authorize",
"return_url": "",
"cart_items": [
"name": "GoPro HERO9 Camcorder",
"quantity": 1,
"unit_amount": 37999,
"discount_amount": 0,
"tax_amount": 0,
"external_identifier": "item-789123",
"sku": "sku-789123",
"product_url": "",
"image_url": "",
"categories": [
"product_type": "physical"
"metadata": {
"key": "value"
"payment_source": "recurring",
"buyer": {
"type": "buyer",
"id": "fe26475d-ec3e-4884-9553-f7356683f7f9",
"billing_details": {
"type": "billing-details",
"first_name": "John",
"last_name": "Lunn",
"email_address": "",
"phone_number": "+1234567890",
"address": {
"city": "London",
"country": "GB",
"postal_code": "789123",
"state": "Greater London",
"state_code": "GB-LND",
"house_number_or_name": "10",
"line1": "10 Oxford Street",
"line2": "New Oxford Court",
"organization": "Gr4vy"
"tax_id": {
"value": "12345678931",
"kind": "gb.vat"
"display_name": "John L.",
"external_identifier": "user-789123",
"account_number": "1234567"
"shipping_details": {
"type": "shipping-details",
"id": "8724fd24-5489-4a5d-90fd-0604df7d3b83",
"buyer_id": "8724fd24-5489-4a5d-90fd-0604df7d3b83",
"first_name": "John",
"last_name": "Lunn",
"email_address": "",
"phone_number": "+1234567890",
"address": {
"city": "London",
"country": "GB",
"postal_code": "789123",
"state": "Greater London",
"state_code": "GB-LND",
"house_number_or_name": "10",
"line1": "10 Oxford Street",
"line2": "New Oxford Court",
"organization": "Gr4vy"
This endpoint requires the payment-links.write
Bearer authentication header of the form Bearer <token>
, where <token>
is your auth token.
Request body for creating a new payment link.
The amount to request payment for.
1 <= x <= 99999999
The ISO-4217 currency code for the payment.
The 2-letter ISO code of the country of the transaction. This is used to filter the payment services that is used to process the transaction.
Guest buyer details provided inline. No buyer resource will be created on Gr4vy when used.
An external identifier that can be used to match the buyer against your own records. This value needs to be unique for all buyers.
1 - 200
A unique name for this buyer which is used in the Gr4vy admin panel to give a buyer a human readable name.
1 - 200
"John L."
The optional billing details for the a buyer.
The first name(s) or given name for the buyer.
1 - 255
The last name, or family name, of the buyer.
1 - 255
The email address for the buyer.
1 - 320
The phone number for the buyer which should be formatted according to the E164 number standard.
1 - 50
The billing address for the buyer.
The city for the address.
1 - 100
The country for the address in ISO 3166 format.
The postal code or zip code for the address.
1 - 50
The state, county, or province for the address.
1 - 255
"Greater London"
The first line of the address.
1 - 255
"10 Oxford Street"
The code of state, county, or province for the address in ISO 3166-2 format.
4 - 6
The house number or name for the address. Not all payment services use this field but some do.
1 - 255
The second line of the address.
1 - 255
"New Oxford Court"
The optional name of the company or organisation to add to the address.
1 - 255
The tax ID information associated with the billing details.
The tax ID for the buyer.
1 - 50
The kind of tax ID.
, au.abn
, ar.dni
, ar.cuil
, ar.cuit
, br.cnpj
, br.cpf
, ca.gst_hst
, ca.pst_bc
, ca.pst_mb
, ca.pst_sk
, ca.qst
, ch.vat
, cl.tin
, es.cif
, eu.vat
, gb.vat
, id.nik
, id.npwp
, in.gst
, jp.rn
, kr.brn
, li.uid
, mx.curp
, my.frp
, my.itn
, my.nric
, my.sst
, no.vat
, nz.gst
, ph.tin
, ru.inn
, ru.kpp
, sa.vat
, sg.gst
, sg.uen
, th.vat
, tw.vat
, us.ein
, za.vat
The optional shipping details for the buyer.
The type of this resource. Is always shipping-details
The unique ID for a buyer's shipping detail.
The unique ID for a buyer.
The first name(s) or given name of the buyer.
1 - 255
The last name, or family name, of the buyer.
1 - 255
The email address of the buyer.
1 - 320
The phone number of the buyer. This number is formatted according to the E164 number standard.
1 - 50
The physical shipping address associated to this buyer.
The city for the address.
1 - 100
The country for the address in ISO 3166 format.
The postal code or zip code for the address.
1 - 50
The state, county, or province for the address.
1 - 255
"Greater London"
The code of state, county, or province for the address in ISO 3166-2 format.
4 - 6
The house number or name for the address. Not all payment services use this field but some do.
1 - 255
The first line of the address.
1 - 255
"10 Oxford Street"
The second line of the address.
1 - 255
"New Oxford Court"
The optional name of the company or organisation to add to the address.
1 - 255
The source account number to perform an account funding transaction.
1 - 255
The date and time when this payment link expires. Defaults to 24 hours from creation.
Allows for passing optional configuration per connection to take advantage of connection specific features. When provided, the data is only passed to the target connection type to prevent sharing configuration across connections.
Please note that each of the keys this object are in kebab-case, for
example cybersource-anti-fraud
as they represent the ID of the
connector. All the other keys will be snake case, for example
or camel case to match an external API that the
connector uses.
Additional options for Cybersource payment gateway.
An override for the merchant ID configured for the connector, used in combination with meta keys.
This is a key-value object for merchant defined information. Each key needs to be a numeric string identifying the MDI field to set. For example, for field 1 set the key to "1".
"1": "John Doe",
"2": "trusted",
"99": "recurring"
Shipping method for the order.
Additional options for Cybersource KCP APM.
An override for the merchant ID configured for the connector, used in combination with meta keys.
This is a key-value object for merchant defined information. Each key needs to be a numeric string identifying the MDI field to set. For example, for field 1 set the key to "1".
"1": "John Doe",
"2": "trusted",
"99": "recurring"
Shipping method for the order.
Additional options for Cybersource iDeal APM.
An override for the merchant ID configured for the connector, used in combination with meta keys.
This is a key-value object for merchant defined information. Each key needs to be a numeric string identifying the MDI field to set. For example, for field 1 set the key to "1".
"1": "John Doe",
"2": "trusted",
"99": "recurring"
Shipping method for the order.
Additional options for Cybersource Decision Manager (anti-fraud).
An override for the merchant ID configured for the connector, used in combination with meta keys.
This is a key-value object for merchant defined data. Each key needs to be a numeric string identifying the MDD field to set. For example, for field 1 set the key to "1".
Please avoid fields "31", "48", "50"-"56" and "63"-"76" as these are auto-populated based on the transaction profile.
"1": "John Doe",
"2": "trusted",
"99": "recurring"
Shipping method for the order.
Additional options for Giving Block connector.
The default crypto currency to display on the hosted page presented by The Giving Block.
Additional options for Forter (anti-fraud).
Value to populate the deliveryType
field in primaryDeliveryDetails
Represents the type of delivery. This can be set to PHYSICAL
for any
type of shipped goods, DIGITAL
for non-shipped goods (services,
gift cards etc.), or HYBRID
for others.
Value to populate the deliveryMethod
field in primaryDeliveryDetails
Represents the delivery method chosen by customer such as postal service, email, in game transfer, etc.
Defines if this is a guest check-out. This will redact the accountId
fields from the accountOwner
details sent to Forter.
A list of Forter cart item objects. These will be merged into the cart_items
passed to the transaction. Every cart item here will be merged with a cart item
on the transaction with the same index.
Together, these will augment the cartItems
values sent to the Forter validation
General data regarding item such as name, price, etc.
Tangible if physical item, non-tangible if any other product.
General data regarding item such as name, price, etc.
Value to populate the deliveryType
field for this cart item. This overrides
the type set at the wider level.
Represents the type of delivery. This can be set to PHYSICAL
for any
type of shipped goods, DIGITAL
for non-shipped goods (services,
gift cards etc.), or HYBRID
for others.
Value to populate the deliveryMethod
field for this cart item. This overrides
the method set at the wider level.
Represents the delivery method chosen by customer such as postal service, email, in game transfer, etc.
"USPS - Ground Mail"
List of all entities receiving or using the purchased cart item.
Personal details are those which contribute to building up a picture of the person as an individual, such as name, title, etc.
Address details for the beneficiary.
List of all phone numbers for the beneficiary.
Comments to merchant or beneficiary written by customer.
The totalDiscount
object that's sent to Forter's validation API.
It represents the discount that was given to the customer.
The discount type.
The coupon code used.
A monetary amount in USD or local currency.
Transaction amount in USD.
Transaction amount in currency chosen by the buyer.
Transaction currency chosen by the buyer, 3-letter ISO-4217 format currency code.
Coupon discount percentage.
Additional options to be passed through to Adyen when processing card transactions.
A key-value object representing additional data to be passed to Adyen.
"riskdata.operatorCode": "operatorCode,",
"riskdata.operatorCountry": "operatorCountry"
Enabled Adyen's auto-rescue feature.
Defines the number of days to auto-retry a payment for if autoRescue
is enabled.
Defines the Adyen auto-rescue test scenario to invoke.
Additional options to be passed through to Adyen when processing SEPA transactions.
Enabled Adyen's auto-rescue feature.
Defines the number of days to auto-retry a payment for if autoRescue
is enabled.
Defines the Adyen auto-rescue test scenario to invoke.
Defines the type of chargeback that you want to simulate.
Additional options to be passed through to PayPal when processing transactions.
Additional options to be passed through to PayPal when processing transactions.
Additional options to be passed through to Powertranz when processing transactions.
Allows skipping of 3DS. Without this, every transaction will be sent via Powertranz's 3DS server, even though 3DS might not be triggered.
Additional options to be passed through to Stripe when processing transactions.
Defines if Stripe should automatically fail the payment if it requires two-factor authentication from the user.
Stripe Connect configuration options.
The ID of the connected Stripe account to process for.
The application fee to charge when processing for a connected account.
The Stripe account ID that these funds are intended for.
Additional options for Fiserv IPG payment gateway.
Fiserv installment options.
Number of installments for a sale transaction if the customer pays the total amount in multiple transactions.
Indicates whether the installment interest amount has been applied.
The number of months the first installment payment will be delayed.
Indicates if the merchant supports merchant advice code (MAC) in order to receive table 55 code for a declined recurring transaction.
A value that can be used to match the payment link against your own records. This will also be applied to any transaction.
1 - 200
The statement descriptor is the text to be shown on the buyer's statements.
The specific usage of these fields will depend on the capabilities of the underlying PSP and bank. As a typical example, 'name' and 'description' could be concatenated using '* ' as a separator, and then the resulting descriptor would be truncated to 22 characters by the issuing bank.
Reflects your doing business as (DBA) name.
Other validations:
- Contains only Latin characters.
- Contain at least one letter
- Does not contain any of the special characters
< > \ ' " *
- Supports:
- Lower case:
- Upper case:
- Numbers:
- Spaces:
- Special characters:
. , _ - ? + /
5 - 22
A short description about the purchase.
Other validations:
- Contains only Latin characters.
- Contain at least one letter
- Does not contain any of the special characters
< > \ ' " *
- Supports:
- Lower case:
- Upper case:
- Numbers:
- Spaces:
- Special characters:
. , _ - ? + /
5 - 22
"Card payment"
The merchant's city to be displayed in a statement descriptor.
1 - 13
The 2-letter ISO country code of the merchant to be displayed in a statement descriptor.
The value in the phone number field of a customer's statement which should be formatted according to the E164 number standard.
5 - 20
The merchant's URL to be displayed in a statement descriptor.
1 - 13
The locale used to translate text within the payment link.
, en-GB
, es
, pt
, pt-BR
The name of the merchant to display on the payment link.
The URL of the merchant to display on the payment link.
The URL of the merchant banner to display on the payment link.
The color code of the merchant to display on the payment link.
The message to display on the payment link.
"Thank you for shopping with us!"
The URL of the merchant terms and conditions to display on the payment link.
The URL of the merchant favicon icon.
The intent of the payment link.
, capture
The URL to redirect the buyer to after payment.
An array of cart items that represents the line items of a payment link.
A cart item that represents a single cart line item for a transaction. Note that some optional properties are required for certain payment service providers. If no value is set for these properties, we will use their default value.
If the total due to be paid for the item is required by the payment service provider, generally referred to as the "total amount", the formula below will usually be used to calculate this amount:
(unit_amount * quantity) - discount_amount + tax_amount
It's highly recommended that the total amount to pay for all items should match the transaction's amount to reduce the risk of the transaction being declined by the payment service provider.
The name of the cart item. The value you set for this property may be truncated if the maximum length accepted by a payment service provider is less than 255 characters.
"GoPro HERO9 Camcorder"
The quantity of this item in the cart. This value cannot be negative or zero.
1 <= x <= 99999999
The amount for an individual item represented as a monetary amount
in the smallest currency unit for the given currency, for example
USD cents represents $12.99
The amount sent through to the payment processor as unitary amount
will be calculated to include the discount and tax values sent
as part of this cart item.
0 <= x <= 99999999
The amount discounted for this item represented as a monetary amount
in the smallest currency unit for the given currency, for example 1299
USD cents represents $12.99
Please note that this amount is for the total of the cart item and not for an individual item. For example, if the quantity is 5, this value should be the total discount amount for 5 of the cart item.
You might see unexpected failed transactions if the discount_amount
not be equally divided by the quantity
value. This is due to the fact
that some payment services require this amount to be specified per unit.
In this situation we recommend splitting this item into separate items, each with their own specific discount.
0 <= x <= 99999999
The tax amount for this item represented as a monetary amount
in the smallest currency unit for the given currency, for example 1299
USD cents represents $12.99
Please not that this amount is for the total of the cart item and not for an individual item. For example, if the quantity is 5, this value should be the total tax amount for 5 of the cart item.
You might see unexpected failed transactions if the tax_amount
not be equally divided by the quantity
value. This is due to the fact
that some payment services require this amount to be specified per unit.
In this situation we recommend splitting this item into separate items, each with their own specific tax amount.
0 <= x <= 99999999
An external identifier for the cart item. This can be set to any value and is not sent to the payment service.
The SKU for the item.
The product URL for the item.
The URL for the image of the item.
A list of strings containing product categories for the item. Max length per item: 50.
The product type of the cart item.
, discount
, shipping_fee
, sales_tax
, digital
, gift_card
, store_credit
, surcharge
Any additional information about the payment link that you would like to store as key-value pairs. This data is passed to payment service providers that support it.
{ "key": "value" }
The source of the payment link.
, moto
, recurring
, installment
, card_on_file
The ID of a payment link.
The type of this resource. Is always payment_link
The monetary amount for this payment link, in the smallest
currency unit for the given currency, for example 1299
cents to create
an authorization for $12.99
A supported ISO-4217 currency code.
The date and time when this payment link was created.
The date and time when this payment link was created.
The date and time when this payment link expires.
, expired
A value that can be used to match the payment link against your own records.
1 - 200
The statement descriptor is the text to be shown on the buyer's statements.
The specific usage of these fields will depend on the capabilities of the underlying PSP and bank. As a typical example, 'name' and 'description' could be concatenated using '* ' as a separator, and then the resulting descriptor would be truncated to 22 characters by the issuing bank.
Reflects your doing business as (DBA) name.
Other validations:
- Contains only Latin characters.
- Contain at least one letter
- Does not contain any of the special characters
< > \ ' " *
- Supports:
- Lower case:
- Upper case:
- Numbers:
- Spaces:
- Special characters:
. , _ - ? + /
5 - 22
A short description about the purchase.
Other validations:
- Contains only Latin characters.
- Contain at least one letter
- Does not contain any of the special characters
< > \ ' " *
- Supports:
- Lower case:
- Upper case:
- Numbers:
- Spaces:
- Special characters:
. , _ - ? + /
5 - 22
"Card payment"
The merchant's city to be displayed in a statement descriptor.
1 - 13
The 2-letter ISO country code of the merchant to be displayed in a statement descriptor.
The value in the phone number field of a customer's statement which should be formatted according to the E164 number standard.
5 - 20
The merchant's URL to be displayed in a statement descriptor.
1 - 13
The locale used to translate text within the payment link.
, en-GB
, es
, pt
, pt-BR
The name of the merchant to display on the payment link.
The URL of the merchant to display on the payment link.
The URL of the merchant banner to display on the payment link.
The color code of the merchant to display on the payment link.
The message to display on the payment link.
"Thank you for shopping with us!"
The URL of the merchant terms and conditions to display on the payment link.
The URL of the merchant favicon icon.
The 2-letter ISO code of the country of the transaction. This is used to filter the payment services that is used to process the transaction.
The intent of the payment link.
, capture
The URL to redirect the buyer to after payment.
An array of cart items that represents the line items of a payment link.
A cart item that represents a single cart line item for a transaction. Note that some optional properties are required for certain payment service providers. If no value is set for these properties, we will use their default value.
If the total due to be paid for the item is required by the payment service provider, generally referred to as the "total amount", the formula below will usually be used to calculate this amount:
(unit_amount * quantity) - discount_amount + tax_amount
It's highly recommended that the total amount to pay for all items should match the transaction's amount to reduce the risk of the transaction being declined by the payment service provider.
The name of the cart item. The value you set for this property may be truncated if the maximum length accepted by a payment service provider is less than 255 characters.
"GoPro HERO9 Camcorder"
The quantity of this item in the cart. This value cannot be negative or zero.
1 <= x <= 99999999
The amount for an individual item represented as a monetary amount
in the smallest currency unit for the given currency, for example
USD cents represents $12.99
The amount sent through to the payment processor as unitary amount
will be calculated to include the discount and tax values sent
as part of this cart item.
0 <= x <= 99999999
The amount discounted for this item represented as a monetary amount
in the smallest currency unit for the given currency, for example 1299
USD cents represents $12.99
Please note that this amount is for the total of the cart item and not for an individual item. For example, if the quantity is 5, this value should be the total discount amount for 5 of the cart item.
You might see unexpected failed transactions if the discount_amount
not be equally divided by the quantity
value. This is due to the fact
that some payment services require this amount to be specified per unit.
In this situation we recommend splitting this item into separate items, each with their own specific discount.
0 <= x <= 99999999
The tax amount for this item represented as a monetary amount
in the smallest currency unit for the given currency, for example 1299
USD cents represents $12.99
Please not that this amount is for the total of the cart item and not for an individual item. For example, if the quantity is 5, this value should be the total tax amount for 5 of the cart item.
You might see unexpected failed transactions if the tax_amount
not be equally divided by the quantity
value. This is due to the fact
that some payment services require this amount to be specified per unit.
In this situation we recommend splitting this item into separate items, each with their own specific tax amount.
0 <= x <= 99999999
An external identifier for the cart item. This can be set to any value and is not sent to the payment service.
The SKU for the item.
The product URL for the item.
The URL for the image of the item.
A list of strings containing product categories for the item. Max length per item: 50.
The product type of the cart item.
, discount
, shipping_fee
, sales_tax
, digital
, gift_card
, store_credit
, surcharge
Any additional information about the payment link that you would like to store as key-value pairs. This data is passed to payment service providers that support it.
{ "key": "value" }
The source of the payment link. Defaults to ecommerce
, moto
, recurring
, installment
, card_on_file
The buyer used for this transaction.
The type of this resource. Is always buyer
The unique Gr4vy ID for this buyer.
The billing details associated with the buyer, which include the address and tax ID.
The type of this resource. Is always billing-details
The first name(s) or given name of the buyer.
1 - 255
The last name, or family name, of the buyer.
1 - 255
The email address of the buyer.
1 - 320
The phone number of the buyer. This number is formatted according to the E164 number standard.
1 - 50
The billing address of the buyer.
The city for the address.
1 - 100
The country for the address in ISO 3166 format.
The postal code or zip code for the address.
1 - 50
The state, county, or province for the address.
1 - 255
"Greater London"
The code of state, county, or province for the address in ISO 3166-2 format.
4 - 6
The house number or name for the address. Not all payment services use this field but some do.
1 - 255
The first line of the address.
1 - 255
"10 Oxford Street"
The second line of the address.
1 - 255
"New Oxford Court"
The optional name of the company or organisation to add to the address.
1 - 255
The tax information associated with the billing details.
The tax ID for the buyer.
1 - 50
The kind of tax ID.
, au.abn
, ar.dni
, ar.cuil
, ar.cuit
, br.cnpj
, br.cpf
, ca.gst_hst
, ca.pst_bc
, ca.pst_mb
, ca.pst_sk
, ca.qst
, ch.vat
, cl.tin
, es.cif
, eu.vat
, gb.vat
, id.nik
, id.npwp
, in.gst
, jp.rn
, kr.brn
, li.uid
, mx.curp
, my.frp
, my.itn
, my.nric
, my.sst
, no.vat
, nz.gst
, ph.tin
, ru.inn
, ru.kpp
, sa.vat
, sg.gst
, sg.uen
, th.vat
, tw.vat
, us.ein
, za.vat
A unique name for this buyer which is used in the Gr4vy admin panel to give a buyer a human readable name.
1 - 200
"John L."
An external identifier that can be used to match the buyer against your own records.
1 - 200
The source account number to perform an account funding transaction.
1 - 255
Shipping details for the payment link.
The type of this resource. Is always shipping-details
The unique ID for a buyer's shipping detail.
The unique ID for a buyer.
The first name(s) or given name of the buyer.
1 - 255
The last name, or family name, of the buyer.
1 - 255
The email address of the buyer.
1 - 320
The phone number of the buyer. This number is formatted according to the E164 number standard.
1 - 50
The physical shipping address associated to this buyer.
The city for the address.
1 - 100
The country for the address in ISO 3166 format.
The postal code or zip code for the address.
1 - 50
The state, county, or province for the address.
1 - 255
"Greater London"
The code of state, county, or province for the address in ISO 3166-2 format.
4 - 6
The house number or name for the address. Not all payment services use this field but some do.
1 - 255
The first line of the address.
1 - 255
"10 Oxford Street"
The second line of the address.
1 - 255
"New Oxford Court"
The optional name of the company or organisation to add to the address.
1 - 255
Was this page helpful?
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