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List 4XX errors
Returns a list of API 4XX and 5XX logs.
curl --request GET \
--url https://api.{gr4vy_id} \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <token>'
"items": [
"type": "api-log",
"id": "8d3fe99b-1422-42e6-bbb3-932d95ae5f79",
"request_method": "POST",
"request_url": "",
"request_received_at": "2022-01-01T00:00:00+00:00",
"response_status_code": 400,
"response_body": {
"code": "bad_request",
"message": "Request failed validation",
"status": 400,
"type": "error",
"details": {
"pointer": "/payment_method/number",
"message": "ensure this value has at least 13 characters",
"location": "body",
"type": "value_error.any_str.min_length"
"response_sent_at": "2022-01-01T00:00:10+00:00"
This endpoint requires the
Bearer authentication header of the form Bearer <token>
, where <token>
is your auth token.
A list of API log entries.
A list of API log entries.
A log of an error that happened in the API call.
The ID of the API log entry.
The http request method that generated the log entry.
The http request URL which trigged the error log.
The date and time that the request was received.
The http request status code.
The JSON response body for the log entry.
The error code.
The error message.
"Request failed validation"
The HTTP error code.
Type of the log entry.
Details of the log entry, stack trace and endpoint.
Log's pointer.
Detailed message on the log entry.
"ensure this value has at least 13 characters"
Location on where the error happened.
Detailed error type that is specified in the log entry.
date-time of when the response was sent.
Was this page helpful?
curl --request GET \
--url https://api.{gr4vy_id} \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <token>'
"items": [
"type": "api-log",
"id": "8d3fe99b-1422-42e6-bbb3-932d95ae5f79",
"request_method": "POST",
"request_url": "",
"request_received_at": "2022-01-01T00:00:00+00:00",
"response_status_code": 400,
"response_body": {
"code": "bad_request",
"message": "Request failed validation",
"status": 400,
"type": "error",
"details": {
"pointer": "/payment_method/number",
"message": "ensure this value has at least 13 characters",
"location": "body",
"type": "value_error.any_str.min_length"
"response_sent_at": "2022-01-01T00:00:10+00:00"