Import card data
Token import file creation
To allow for a smooth import, we have created a template that can be used for a generic token import from your current payment service to our system,
These templates: card template non-card tokens gift cards can be downloaded and saved as a .csv
file. Not all fields are required for minimum import,
but we recommend sending as many fields as are available. This sample file provides an example of how this file can be populated.
Our import process will not modify your token file, if column data is not truncated the record will be treated as a failure.
Column Definitions
Column | Restrictions | Minimum Length | Maximum Length | Definition |
audit_reference_id | Required, unique | 200 | An ID for this row that we can use for logging and audit purposes. | |
merchant_account_id | 22 | The merchant account ID that resources should be created for. This defaults to default . | ||
buyer.external_identifier | Required, unique | 200 | An external identifier that can be used to match the buyer against your own records. This value needs to be unique for all buyers. See Buyer creation for more details. Must be unique. | |
buyer.display_name | 200 | A unique name for this buyer which is used in the dashboard to give a buyer a human-readable name. | ||
buyer.billing_details.email_address | 320 | The email address for the buyer. | ||
buyer.billing_details.first_name | 255 | The first name(s) or given name for the buyer. | ||
buyer.billing_details.last_name | 255 | The last name, or family name, of the buyer. | ||
buyer.billing_details.phone_number | 320 | The phone number for the buyer should be formatted according to the E164 number standard. | || | 100 | The city for the address. | || | 2 | The country for the address in ISO-3166 format. | ||
buyer.billing_details.address.line1 | 255 | The first line of the address. | ||
buyer.billing_details.address.line2 | 255 | The second line of the address. | ||
buyer.billing_details.address.postal_code | 50 | The postal code or zip code for the address. | ||
buyer.billing_details.address.state | 255 | The state, county, or province for the address. | ||
buyer.billing_details.address.state_code | The code of state, county, or province for the address in ISO 3166-2 format. | |||
buyer.billing_details.address.house_number_or_name | 255 | The house number or name for the address. Not all payment services use this field but some do. | ||
buyer.billing_details.address.organization | 255 | The optional name of the company or organization to add to the address. | ||
buyer.billing_details.tax_id.kind | The kind of tax ID. See API Docs for this field’s accepted values. | |||
buyer.billing_details.tax_id.value | 50 | The tax ID for the buyer. | ||
payment_method.number | Required (card) | 13 | 19 | The credit card number, without spaces or any other formatting. |
payment_method.expiration_date | Required (card) | The credit card expiration date, formatted as a string in the MM/YY format. | ||
payment_method.scheme_transaction_id | Recommended | 100 | The latest scheme or network transaction ID for the card. This is required to enable subsequent MIT transactions for this card without requiring the buyer present. | |
payment_method.external_identifier | Required | 200 | An external identifier that can be used to match the card against your own records. | |
payment_method.token | Required (non-card) | The non-card payment method’s token. | ||
payment_method.payment_service_id | Required (non-card or gift card) | The Gr4vy payment_service_id for the token or gift_card_service_id for the gift card. | ||
payment_method.method | Required (non-card) | The non-card payment method’s method. | ||
payment_method.last_used_at | Ignored for gift cards | The timestamp in ISO-8601 format when this payment method was last used in a transaction. | ||
payment_method.cit_last_used_at | Ignored for gift cards | The timestamp in ISO-8601 format when this payment method was last used in a transaction for client initiated transactions. | ||
gift_card.number | Required (gift card) | 16 | 19 | The gift card number, without spaces or any other formatting. | | Required (gift card) | 1 | The gift card pin. | |
gift_card.currency | Required (gift card) | The gift card currency in ISO-4217 format. | ||
gift_card.expiration_date | Required (gift card) | The gift card expiration date in ISO-8601 format. Leave empty if gift card doesn’t expire. |
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