Payment links
Set up payment links to accept payments from your customers.
Payment links allows you to generate a link, send it to a customer via email/sms/etc, and then have the customer pay without the need for you to host your own checkout.
Creating a payment link
You can use the payment links endpoint to create a payment link with the data that will be displayed on the Gr4vy hosted page. The payment links API endpoint makes it easy to get create a new payment link.
On top of the merchant_*
specific values, this API supports values that are going to be displayed by the Gr4vy hosted page
and also passed to Embed to process the transaction.
These values are:
, currency
, country
, metadata
, cart_items
, buyer
, externalIdentifier
, intent
, paymentSource
, statementDescriptor
Please refer to the Embed options documentation for more information.
By creating a payment link you’re ready to send it to your customer to complete the payment.
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