Users can be assigned to one or more merchant accounts, allowing for granular access to manage a merchant account via the dashboard.

Support for multiple merchant accounts in one instance is a premium feature. In a standard instance, all your users will be associated with the default merchant account without any extra effort.

Administrators and other users

There is a key difference between administrators and other users when it comes to merchant accounts. Administrators effectively operate at an environment level, providing them with access to all merchant accounts. On the other hand, users with non-administrator roles are always restricted to the merchant accounts they’ve been assigned access.

In other words, administrators implicitly have access to all merchant accounts, whole other users need to be associated with 1 or more merchant accounts.

Although an administrator represents a combination of all other roles, the key difference is that a user with all roles (except administrator) will be restricted to their assigned merchant accounts, where an administrator has access to all. This especially impacts the user manager role.

AdministratorCan access all merchant accountsCan invite a user to any merchant account
User ManagerCan only access associated merchant accountsCan only invite to their associated merchant accounts

Assigning users to accounts

Once you’ve created a new merchant account via the dashboard you can assign users to the account.

To assign an existing user to an account as an administrator, head over to Settings -> Users. As a user manager, select any merchant account and then head over to the Manage users dashboard.

Next, select Edit merchants from the actions menu and select the merchant account(s) to associate the user with.

Administrators can not be added to merchant accounts because they inherently have access to all accounts.