A standard Gr4vy deployment runs as a single tenant instance, each with its own 2 environments, sandbox and production. Within that environment, it’s possible to add additional sub-accounts called merchant accounts.

Each merchant account can be used to configure individual connections and flow rules, and process transactions with unique buyers, payment methods, and vaulted cards; routing transactions to distinct connections and using individual Flow rules and anti-fraud services to decline, route, or trigger 3DS.

Single merchant environment

By default, each environment in your instance is a single-tenant environment. That means that in your sandbox or production environment your company is the only merchant account using the resources of that instance, including the database, cloud servers, and more This creates a uniquely redundant system unique to Gr4vy.

Multi merchant environment

Additional merchant accounts can be generated within an environment to support a few different scenarios.

  • You’re a large merchant with many different sub-entities that have their relationships with payment service providers and each entity wants to manage its own customer support, payment optimization, and/or data analysis.
  • You’re a technology platform offering payment services to businesses and although you could run all of your customers through one environment, the ability to separate each merchant’s transactions provides you with an easy way to provide additional support tools, payment optimization consulting, and peace of mind that each of your customer’s data is fully segregated.
  • You’re a distribution partner offering payment processing to merchants through our platform. The ability to provide each merchant with their separate merchant account provides you with a way to provide additional support tooling, payment optimization advice, and peace of mind that each of your customer’s data is fully segregated.


Enable multiple merchant accounts

Support for multiple merchant accounts in one instance is a premium feature. Please contact your account manager for pricing.

Create new merchant accounts

Once multiple merchant accounts have been enabled for your instance, log into your environment as an administrator and click the Settings icon in the top bar. You will be presented with the merchant account list. Click Add merchant to create a new account.

To create a new merchant account, provide a display name and a short ID. The display name is used to display a human-friendly name to the merchant account users in the dashboard. The ID is used as the unique identifier for the merchant account and can not be changed.

Deleting a merchant account is currently not possible as it may affect a lot of existing data. The ability to deactivate merchant accounts is rolling out at a later point.

Edit merchant account

To edit a merchant account, log into your environment as an administrator and click the Settings icon in the top bar. You will be presented with the merchant account list. Click on the three dots next to any merchant and select Edit merchant.

The display name can be changed at any time but the ID can not be changed as it’s the unique identifier used for API calls, internal reporting, and more.

Migrate merchant accounts

In some cases, data from different merchants may be associated with the default merchant account because of a setup before multi-merchant was enabled. Please reach out to support for support migrating existing data to different merchant accounts.