Sift is a technology company specializing in digital trust and safety. Founded in 2011 and headquartered in San Francisco, Sift provides machine learning-based fraud detection and prevention solutions. Its platform helps businesses prevent various types of online fraud, including payment fraud, account takeover, content abuse, and fake accounts.


To configure a Sift connection, you will need to set the following credentials. Each of these can be found in the Sift portal under the Developer menu.

Account IDYour unique Sift account ID
API keyThe secret API key for use with the Sift API
Beacon KeyThe secret key used to in the Sift JS fingerprinting snippet

Merchant information

Additionally, some optional merchant configuration can be set.

Site country IDCountry the company is providing service from. Use ISO-3166 country code.
Site domainDomain being interfaced with. Use fully qualified domain name.

Decision mapping

Decisions received from Sift are mapped to Gr4vy decisions according to the following logic.


If any of the data requirements below are not met, the decision will be skipped. Additionally, if a decision could not be made but has been marked for review, we will return a review status.

Webhooks for manual review

To enable manual review you will need to set up webhooks from your anti-fraud service to our system. This webhook is used to notify us when a review is accepted or rejected.

To get the webhook URL, head over to your connection by going to Connections -> [Anti-Fraud connection] -> Synchronization and copy the webhook URL.

Next, login to Sift portal and navigate to the Automate -> Decisions panel to set a payment abuse event for both a blocked and an accepted review.

Click on Create Decision, and fill in the following.

  • Set the Entity to Orders
  • Set the category to Block or Accept
  • Set the webhook URL to the one copied from our dashboard
    • We require Sift’s webhook version 1.2. Please contact Sift support to confirm the version used.
  • Set a name and description

Save the changes, making sure to create a decision for both the Block and Accept category.

Make sure to use these events when handling a manual review of an order in the Sift portal in order to notify Gr4vy.

When a transaction is marked as in-review by Sift, and the manual review queue has been enabled, then Gr4vy will hold the transaction in authorized state. If that authorization fails, or if a user manually voids/captures the transaction in our dashboard, we usually reach out to the anti-fraud provider to clear that review from the queue.

This feature is not available for Sift, so please note that there might be orders on the review queue that have actually already failed, been voided, or were captured.

Rejection by Gr4vy

Gr4vy can auto-reject an order by sending a rejected_by_gr4vy_payment_abuse decision to Sift. This will be sent when the transaction is declined by Gr4vy or the payment service. To handle this event, please set up a decision for payment abuse in the Sift portal.

Login to Sift portal and navigate to the Automate -> Decisions panel to set a payment abuse event for a blocked transaction.

Click on Create Decision, and fill in the following.

  • Set the Entity to Orders
  • Set the category to Block
  • Leave the webhook URL empty
  • Set the name to Rejected by Gr4vy

Device fingerprinting

The use of device fingerprinting is highly recommended when using Sift. Please refer to our device fingerprinting guide for more information on our universal solution.

If needed, you could load the fingerprint script for Sift directly and pass the _session_id value as the anti_fraud_fingerprint to the new transaction API.