Embed accepts an onEvent parameter that can be used to listen to certain events emitted from the form.

  element: '.container',
  onEvent: (name, data) => {

Embed emits the following events:


Returned when the initial input (element, options) are incorrectly formatted or missing.

  "code": "argumentError",
  "option": "currency",
  "message": "must be a valid number"


Returned when options are loaded. Stored options include the id.

    "id": "...",
    "method": "card",
    "mode": "card"
    "method": "card",
    "mode": "card"


Returned when the form updates. Currently this only informs the developer if the form is valid.

  "valid": false


Returns a full transaction object when Gr4vy accepted the transaction, regardless of its status. Be aware that this can be a pending or declined transaction. To track API failures please use the transactionFailed event.

  "type": "transaction",
  "id": "8724fd24-5489-4a5d-90fd-0604df7d3b83",
  "status": "pending",


Returned when a buyer has explicitly canceled a transaction, e.g. closing a popup or dismissing Apple Pay. This is currently not supported for 3-D Secure transactions and should not be conflated with transaction being declined or an error occurring.

  "type": "transactionCancelled"


Returned when an API call fails to create a transaction due to a client or server error. In other words, this event is raised when incorrect data (like an invalid JWT) is passed to the Gr4vy API and a HTTP status code in the 4XX or 5XX range is returned.

To catch failed or declined transactions due to downstream issues with the payment service, please subscribe to the transactionCreated event.

  "type": "error",
  "code": "unauthorized",
  "status": 401,
  "message": "No valid API authentication found"


Returned when the form encounters an API error.

  "type": "error",
  "code": "unauthorized",
  "status": 401,
  "message": "No valid API authentication found",
  "details": []