Endpoint URL

The endpoint URL configured to receive the webhooks should be a HTTPS endpoint that supports TLS 1.2.

Webhook logic

  • Response time: The endpoint URL configured to receive the webhooks should return an HTTP response in the 200-299 range within 5000 milliseconds.
  • Retry: We will attempt to send the webhook event if the merchant endpoint did not respond with a 2XX in the allocated time or returned a non-2XX status code. We will attempt for up to 3 days. Due to the retry behavior, you might receive an event more than once if a timeout has occurred. You might also never receive an event if no successful delivery was possible in the 3-day window.
  • Number of webhook endpoints: Currently we only support one webhook configured per environment. The production and sandbox environments both support a webhook endpoint.
  • Delivery promise: We currently do not provide any guarantee as to the delivery time between an event occurring in our system and it being delivered via a webhook to the merchant.