It is possible to provide buyer details, including the shipping and billing details, without the need to create a buyer resource. You can send the buyer details directly when the transaction is requested, either to our API, Embed, or Secure Fields.

POST /transactions
    "amount": 1299,
    "currency": "AUD",
    "payment_method": {
        // This works with any payment method, 
        // as well as checkout sessions
    "buyer": {
        "external_identifier": "my-unique-identifier",
        "billing_details": {
            "first_name": "John",
            "last_name": "Smith",
            "address": {
                "postal_code": "789123"
        "shipping_details": {
            "first_name": "John",
            "last_name": "Smith",
            "address": {
                "postal_code": "789123"


There are a few limitations to using in-line buyer details like this, rather than using a stored buyer record.

  • A guest buyer cannot use a payment method which is assigned to another buyer resource.
  • A guest buyer cannot redeem gift cards which are assigned to another buyer resource.
  • A buyer resource can not be created when using in-line buyer data. Please use the new buyers endpoint instead.

The buyer ID and buyer external identifier properties can be passed to our API and SDKs to apply guest buyer details while also using stored payment methods. Please see our documentation on linking for more details.